Team NL
Selection Criteria & Points Standings
Team NL Selection Criteria: 2024-2025 Season
Scroll down to see latest points standing
NL Junior teams (U19 boys and U19 girls)
To be eligible for NL junior team:
A player MUST be a paid Individual Member (Junior competitor).
A player must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and resident of the Province of NL.
A players best 3 finishes in all their tournaments will count toward the selection to Team NL. All tournaments except the NL Closed will have the same value:
Regular Tournaments: 1st 20 points . 2nd 18 points. 3rd 16 points, 4th 14 points, 5th-8th 10 points
NL Closed: 1st 30 points, 2nd 25 points, 3rd 20 points, 4th 18 points, 5th-8th 14 points
The top 3 players with the greatest accumulated points will comprise the NL provincial junior team for U19 boys and U19 girls. The 4th player with the greatest points accumulated will be the alternate.
The NLTTA reserves the right to cancel team participation if the number and/or quality of players do not warrant sending that particular team. The NLTTA also reserves the right to replace a top four player with a player that has accumulated less selection points and hence, deviate from the criteria above for one or more of the following reasons:
A player has demonstrated a poor attitude, which has been documented by a team coach/manager or a tournament official and reported to the NLTTA executive.
A player has violated the regulations or by-laws of the NLTTA and has demonstrated a behavior that brings the game of Table Tennis and/or the Association in disrepute.
A player suffers from significant injury or repeated injuries.
The team coach recommends a player with less selection points to better compliment the team for technical, strategic or team building reasons.